How You Volunteer-GRAPHICALLY!
SOURCE: Citizenship Status v. Tax Status, Form #10.011, Section 6;

1. The LEGAL separation between the LEFT and RIGHT sides is described in:
Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025 |
2. People on the LEFT side of the diagram can ONLY be connected to a status on the right side by CONSENT, whether overt or covert, as described in:
How American Nationals Volunteer to Pay Income Tax, Form #08.024 |
3. The RIGHT side of the above diagram labeled “DOMESTIC” is synonymous with:
- Defined, created and ABSOLUTELY OWNED by Congress as PUBLIC PROPERTY in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(4).
- Created and organized by ONLY by a pagan civil ruler (man) and his idolatrous law that worships false idols.
- Protected ONLY by the civil statutory franchise Code called the Internal Revenue Code and NOT the constitutional or the common law.
- A CIVIL franchise status that you must VOLUNTEER for. The process of volunteering makes you SURETY for an office in the U.S. government without pay, and literally makes you a slave and a peon to pay off an endlessly growing mountain of public debt that will never be paid off. Be an obedient lemming and jump off that cliff, will you?
- A fiction of law engineered by Congress to offer FRANCHISE services in a Constitutional state that the Constitution DOES NOT expressly authorize and which are therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
- Since it relates to being INTERNAL to the United States**** federal corporation, this is why:
-The IRS is called the INTERNAL Revenue Service.
-The franchise code implementing it is called the INTERNAL Revenue Code.
4. The left side labeled FOREIGN is synonymous with:
- Defined in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(5), but only in the context of corporations. They can’t legislate for humans until they JOIN privileged corporations and become DOMESTIC.
- Created and organized by ONLY GOD and His law ONLY.
- Protected by the common law and the criminal law and the constitution but not subject to the CIVIL provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
- Outside the United States**** federal corporation as a physical man or woman.
- A status MANDATED by the First Amendment and your Right to NOT contract so you actually have a CHOICE to leave Babylon and retain your liberty.
5. Changing CIVIL FRANCHISE status from “foreign” on the left to “domestic” on the right can occur EITHER by:
- Physically moving within the COUNTRY United States* for aliens under 26 U.S.C. §7701(b).
- Making a voluntary “election” to become THE privileged “citizen* of the United States****” office within the Department of the Treasury as documented in:
How American Nationals Volunteer to Pay Income Tax, Form #08.024 |
6. An act of “election” is an act of CONSENT that converts either YOU or your PROPERTY from PRIVATE to PUBLIC, and thus DONATES either YOU or your PROPERTY to the government FOR FREE. Don’t EVER do that!. For a catalog of all such acts of consent, see:
Catalog of Elections and Entity Types in the Internal Revenue Code, FTSIG |
7. The “citizen* of the United States****” corporation on the right:
- Is the POLITICAL/TERRITORIAL Citizen* defined in 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1(c) called a “citizen*”.
- PLUS “of the United States****” in 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1(a), where this is the LEGAL/CORPORATE United States**** and not the GEOGRAPHICAL “United States**”.
The above tactic is REPEATED in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30) using the same DECEPTIVE EQUIVOCATION of “United States” that is used in 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1(a).
8. The reason the “citizen* of the United States****” (corporation) in 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1(a) and 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30) had to be engineered as two separate parts that way is explained by the following description of FRANCHISE in the legal encyclopedia. Note that is says a franchise is a special privilege BEYOND that of an ordinary POLITICAL Citizen*, meaning a “national of the United States*” or an American National described in 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1(c).
“In a legal or narrower sense, the term “franchise” is more often used to designate a right or privilege conferred by law, [1] and the view taken in a number of cases is that to be a franchise, the right possessed must be such as cannot be exercised without the express permission of the sovereign power [2] –that is, a privilege or immunity of a public nature which cannot be legally exercised without legislative grant. [3] It is a privilege conferred by government on an individual or a corporation to do that “which does not belong to the citizens [NATIONALS or “nationals of the United States” who are nonresident aliens] of the country generally by common right.” [4] For example, a right to lay rail or pipes, or to string wires or poles along a public street, is not an ordinary use which everyone may make of the streets, but is a special privilege, or franchise, to be granted for the accomplishment of public objects [5] which, except for the grant, would be a trespass. [6] In this connection, the term “franchise” has sometimes been construed as meaning a grant of a right to use public property, or at least the property over which the granting authority has control. [7]”
[American Jurisprudence 2d, Franchises, §1: Definitions (1999)]
9. Because the “citizen* of the United States****” under 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1(a) is a FRANCHISE office and a PUBLIC office in the United States***, those who VOLUNTEER for it become “officers of a corporation” subject to criminal enforcement and civil penalties. They would NOT be subject to either of these if they had not volunteered. These definitions are as follows. Be an obedient, cheap, FREE government whore servicing the “Babylon corporation” and BEND over, because no one in the government is going to EVER explain this to you and thereby let you UNVOLUNTEER! 26 U.S.C. §873(b)(3), which is chasing privileged deductions, is another way of becoming such a WHORE:
26 U.S. Code §6671 – Rules for application of assessable penalties
(b)Person defined
The term “person”, as used in this subchapter, includes an officer or employee of a corporation, or a member or employee of a partnership, who as such officer, employee, or member is under a duty to perform the act in respect of which the violation occurs.
26 U.S. Code §7343 – Definition of term “person”
The term “person” as used in this chapter includes an officer or employee of a corporation, or a member or employee of a partnership, who as such officer, employee, or member is under a duty to perform the act in respect of which the violation occurs.
More sophistry like the above and LIES to keep you in servitude about the word “person” are described below. SCUM BAGS!
Policy Document: IRS Fraud and Deception About the Statutory Word “Person”, Form #08.023 |
10. The RESULT of “electing” to partake in the above franchise is that you nominate the government to be your SUBSTITUTE King and replace God as a “parens patriae” and NEW lawgiver. Hence “created or organized” in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(4). You thus FIRED God as your protector and lawgiver in the process and committed religious idolatry in violation of the first four commandments of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Because you have the King’s property “in your hand” you nominated him as king above you in violation of the Bible. A “franchise”, after all, is defined as “a privilege IN THE HANDS of a subject” and you NOMINATED yourself to BE that subject by asking for the King’s PUBLIC property:
“The proposition is that the United States, as the grantor of the franchises of the company [a corporation, in this case], the author of its charter, and the donor of lands, rights, and privileges of immense value, and as parens patriae, is a trustee, invested with power to enforce the proper use of the property and franchises granted for the benefit of the public.”
[U.S. v. Union Pac. R. Co., 98 U.S. 569 (1878)]
11. The result of ELECTING yourself into a franchise office by pursuing the king’s property is the following BIBLICAL curse:
Curses of Disobedience [to God’s Laws]
“The alien [Washington, D.C. is legislatively “alien” in relation to states of the Union] who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower [malicious destruction of EQUAL PROTECTION and EQUAL TREATMENT by abusing FRANCHISES]. He shall lend to you [Federal Reserve counterfeiting franchise], but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.
“Moreover all these curses shall come upon you and pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you. And they shall be upon you for a sign and a wonder, and on your descendants forever.
“Because you did not serve [ONLY] the Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything, therefore you shall serve your [covetous thieving lawyer] enemies, whom the Lord will send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in need of everything; and He will put a yoke of iron [franchise codes] on your neck until He has destroyed you. The Lord will bring a nation against you from afar [the District of CRIMINALS], from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies [the American Eagle], a nation whose language [LEGALESE] you will not understand, a nation of fierce [coercive and fascist] countenance, which does not respect the elderly [assassinates them by denying them healthcare through bureaucratic delays on an Obamacare waiting list] nor show favor to the young [destroying their ability to learn in the public FOOL system]. And they shall eat the increase of your livestock and the produce of your land [with “trade or business” franchise taxes], until you [and all your property] are destroyed [or STOLEN/CONFISCATED]; they shall not leave you grain or new wine or oil, or the increase of your cattle or the offspring of your flocks, until they have destroyed you.
[Deut. 28:43-51, Bible, NKJV]
The above CURSE and its overall effect on society is described in:
How Scoundrels Corrupted Our Republican Form of Government, Family Guardian Fellowship |
12. From a governmental perspective, the result of the above curse is SOCIALISM, as described in:
Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016 |
13. The STATUS of the Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number under 26 C.F.R. §301.6109-1(g)(1) at any given time ALWAYS reflects WHICH side of the above diagram a particular “taxpayer” is.
14. The STATUS of the Social Security Number and Taxpayer Identification Number can change on an ANNUAL basis simply based on HOW the “taxpayer” files their tax return. They can file FOREIGN one year and DOMESTIC the next. The SSN/TIN is the “franchise mark” that acts as a license to use or consume GOVERNMENT/PUBLIC property. See:
Social Security Administration “franchise” is the license number, FTSIG |
15. At the beginning of each year, the IRS PRESUMES the DEFAULT status of DOMESTIC for every number. This PREJUDICIAL presumption is a violation of due process of law and results in IDENTITY THEFT as described in:
Identity Theft Affidavit, Form #14.020 |
16. CIVIL STATUTORY FRANCHISE statuses on the right side of the diagram are civil franchises granted by Congress that are NOT authorized by the Constitution and therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL. They represent an UNCONSTITUTIONAL COMMERCIAL INVASION of the states in violation of Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution. As such, they are public offices within the national government. They are also sometimes called “legal statuses” or “tax statuses” or “civil statuses” by the courts. Those not seeking office and not wishing to commit Biblical idolatry in doing so should not claim any of these statuses. See:
Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030 |
17. ANYONE born or naturalized in the United States* (the country) can lawfully pursue a FOREIGN tax status on the left above. For a detailed list of who can lawfully do this, see:
Summary of Different Types of American Nationals, FTSIG |
18. The sophistry and deception described in the above diagram to convert YOUR status from PRIVATE to PUBLIC without your knowledge is ALSO applied to convert your PROPERTY from PRIVATE to PUBLIC to fool you into donating it to the government. That PROPERTY SCAM is described in:
Property View of Income Taxation Course, Form #12.046 |
19. For an EXHAUSTIVE description of how to apply knowledge of the above diagram to LAWFULLY AVOIDING income taxation, remaining ENTIRELY FOREIGN and PRIVATE, see:
Foreign Tax Status Information Group (FTSIG) Website |
[1] People ex rel. Fitz Henry v. Union Gas & E. Co. 254 Ill. 395, 98 N.E. 768; State ex rel. Bradford v. Western Irrigating Canal Co. 40 Kan 96, 19 P. 349; Milhau v. Sharp, 27 N.Y. 611; State ex rel. Williamson v. Garrison (Okla), 348 P.2d. 859; Ex parte Polite, 97 Tex Crim 320, 260 S.W. 1048.
The term “franchise” is generic, covering all the rights granted by the state. Atlantic & G. R. Co. v. Georgia, 98 U.S. 359, 25 L.Ed. 185.
A franchise is a contract with a sovereign authority by which the grantee is licensed to conduct a business of a quasi-governmental nature within a particular area. West Coast Disposal Service, Inc. v. Smith (Fla App), 143 So.2d. 352.
[2] The term “franchise” is generic, covering all the rights granted by the state. Atlantic & G. R. Co. v. Georgia, 98 U.S. 359, 25 L.Ed. 185.
A franchise is a contract with a sovereign authority by which the grantee is licensed to conduct a business of a quasi-governmental nature within a particular area. West Coast Disposal Service, Inc. v. Smith (Fla App), 143 So.2d. 352.
[3] State v. Real Estate Bank, 5 Ark. 595; Brooks v. State, 3 Boyce (Del) 1, 79 A. 790; Belleville v. Citizens’ Horse R. Co., 152 Ill. 171, 38 N.E. 584; State ex rel. Clapp v. Minnesota Thresher Mfg. Co. 40 Minn 213, 41 N.W. 1020.
[4] New Orleans Gaslight Co. v. Louisiana Light & H. P. & Mfg. Co., 115 U.S. 650, 29 L.Ed. 516, 6 S.Ct. 252; People’s Pass. R. Co. v. Memphis City R. Co., 10 Wall (US) 38, 19 L.Ed. 844; Bank of Augusta v. Earle, 13 Pet (U.S.) 519, 10 L.Ed. 274; Bank of California v. San Francisco, 142 Cal. 276, 75 P. 832; Higgins v. Downward, 8 Houst (Del) 227, 14 A. 720, 32 A. 133; State ex rel. Watkins v. Fernandez, 106 Fla. 779, 143 So. 638, 86 A.L.R. 240; Lasher v. People, 183 Ill. 226, 55 N.E. 663; Inland Waterways Co. v. Louisville, 227 Ky. 376, 13 S.W.2d. 283; Lawrence v. Morgan’s L. & T. R. & S. S. Co., 39 La.Ann. 427, 2 So. 69; Johnson v. Consolidated Gas E. L. & P. Co., 187 Md. 454, 50 A.2d. 918, 170 A.L.R. 709; Stoughton v. Baker, 4 Mass 522; Poplar Bluff v. Poplar Bluff Loan & Bldg. Asso., (Mo App) 369 S.W.2d. 764; Madden v. Queens County Jockey Club, 296 N.Y. 249, 72 N.E.2d. 697, 1 A.L.R.2d. 1160, cert den 332 U.S. 761, 92 L.Ed. 346, 68 S.Ct. 63; Shaw v. Asheville, 269 N.C. 90, 152 S.E.2d. 139; Victory Cab Co. v. Charlotte, 234 N.C. 572, 68 S.E.2d. 433; Henry v. Bartlesville Gas & Oil Co., 33 Okla 473, 126 P. 725; Elliott v. Eugene, 135 Or. 108, 294 P. 358; State ex rel. Daniel v. Broad River Power Co. 157 S.C. 1, 153 S.E. 537; State v. Scougal, 3 S.D. 55, 51 N.W. 858; Utah Light & Traction Co. v. Public Serv. Com., 101 Utah 99, 118 P.2d. 683.
A franchise represents the right and privilege of doing that which does not belong to citizens generally, irrespective of whether net profit accruing from the exercise of the right and privilege is retained by the franchise holder or is passed on to a state school or to political subdivisions of the state. State ex rel. Williamson v. Garrison (Okla), 348 P.2d. 859.
Where all persons, including corporations, are prohibited from transacting a banking business unless authorized by law, the claim of a banking corporation to exercise the right to do a banking business is a claim to a franchise. The right of banking under such a restraining act is a privilege or immunity by grant of the legislature, and the exercise of the right is the assertion of a grant from the legislature to exercise that privilege, and consequently it is the usurpation of a franchise unless it can be shown that the privilege has been granted by the legislature. People ex rel. Atty. Gen. v. Utica Ins. Co., 15 Johns (NY) 358.
[5] New Orleans Gaslight Co. v. Louisiana Light & H. P. & Mfg. Co., 115 U.S. 650, 29 L.Ed. 516, 6 S.Ct. 252; People’s Pass. R. Co. v. Memphis City R. Co., 10 Wall (US) 38, 19 L.Ed. 844; Bank of Augusta v. Earle, 13 Pet (U.S.) 519, 10 L.Ed. 274; Bank of California v. San Francisco, 142 Cal. 276, 75 P. 832; Higgins v. Downward, 8 Houst (Del) 227, 14 A. 720, 32 A. 133; State ex rel. Watkins v. Fernandez, 106 Fla. 779, 143 So. 638, 86 A.L.R. 240; Lasher v. People, 183 Ill. 226, 55 N.E. 663; Inland Waterways Co. v. Louisville, 227 Ky. 376, 13 S.W.2d. 283; Lawrence v. Morgan’s L. & T. R. & S. S. Co., 39 La.Ann. 427, 2 So. 69; Johnson v. Consolidated Gas E. L. & P. Co., 187 Md. 454, 50 A.2d. 918, 170 A.L.R. 709; Stoughton v. Baker, 4 Mass 522; Poplar Bluff v. Poplar Bluff Loan & Bldg. Asso. (Mo App) 369 S.W.2d. 764; Madden v. Queens County Jockey Club, 296 N.Y. 249, 72 N.E.2d. 697, 1 A.L.R.2d. 1160, cert den 332 U.S. 761, 92 L.Ed. 346, 68 S.Ct. 63; Shaw v. Asheville, 269 N.C. 90, 152 S.E.2d. 139; Victory Cab Co. v. Charlotte, 234 N.C. 572, 68 S.E.2d. 433; Henry v. Bartlesville Gas & Oil Co., 33 Okla 473, 126 P. 725; Elliott v. Eugene, 135 Or. 108, 294 P. 358; State ex rel. Daniel v. Broad River Power Co. 157 S.C. 1, 153 S.E. 537; State v. Scougal, 3 S.D. 55, 51 N.W. 858; Utah Light & Traction Co. v. Public Serv. Com., 101 Utah 99, 118 P.2d. 683.
A franchise represents the right and privilege of doing that which does not belong to citizens generally, irrespective of whether net profit accruing from the exercise of the right and privilege is retained by the franchise holder or is passed on to a state school or to political subdivisions of the state. State ex rel. Williamson v. Garrison (Okla), 348 P.2d. 859.
Where all persons, including corporations, are prohibited from transacting a banking business unless authorized by law, the claim of a banking corporation to exercise the right to do a banking business is a claim to a franchise. The right of banking under such a restraining act is a privilege or immunity by grant of the legislature, and the exercise of the right is the assertion of a grant from the legislature to exercise that privilege, and consequently it is the usurpation of a franchise unless it can be shown that the privilege has been granted by the legislature. People ex rel. Atty. Gen. v. Utica Ins. Co., 15 Johns (NY) 358.
[6] People ex rel. Foley v. Stapleton, 98 Colo. 354, 56 P.2d. 931; People ex rel. Central Hudson Gas & E. Co. v. State Tax Com. 247 N.Y. 281, 160 N.E. 371, 57 A.L.R. 374; People v. State Tax Comrs. 174 N.Y. 417, 67 N.E. 69, affd 199 U.S. 1, 50 L.Ed. 65, 25 S.Ct. 705.
[7] Young v. Morehead, 314 Ky. 4, 233 S.W.2d. 978, holding that a contract to sell and deliver gas to a city into its distribution system at its corporate limits was not a franchise within the meaning of a constitutional provision requiring municipalities to advertise the sale of franchises and sell them to the highest bidder.
A contract between a county and a private corporation to construct a water transmission line to supply water to a county park, and giving the corporation the power to distribute water on its own lands, does not constitute a franchise. Brandon v. County of Pinellas (Fla App), 141 So.2d. 278.