How Corrupt Lazy “Pay-Triots for Profit” Hijack Our Materials to Avoid Social Responsibility to Fix the Problems Documented on this Site
“Be diligent to [investigate and expose the truth for yourself and thereby] present yourself [and the public servants who are your fiduciaries and stewards under the Constitution] approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word [and the deeds] of truth. But shun profane babblings [government propaganda, tyranny, and usurpation] for they will increase to more ungodliness. And their message [and their harmful affects] will spread like cancer [to destroy our society and great Republic].”
[2 Tim. 2:15-17, Bible, NKJV]“The violence [verbal, financial, and physical] of the wicked [corrupt government] will destroy them [passive believers] because they refuse to do justice [Form #05.050].”
[Prov. 21:7, Bible, NKJV]“Better is a little with righteousness, than vast revenues without justice [Form #05.050].”
[Prov. 16:8, Bible, NKJV]“Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.”
[Isaiah 1:17, Bible, NKJV]
Our materials have evolved over DECADES to the point where they are today. Over that time period, we have personally witnessed the corrupt and unauthorized use or abuse of our materials for strictly commercial gain while evading any sense of obligation whatsoever to identify, confront, or fix the illegal, unlawful, or unconstitutional government activities documented on this site. We call people who do this “pay-triots for profit” and describe some of their GENERAL tactics in the article below:
REBUTTAL: How to Spot a “Pay-Triot For Profit” Con Man, SEDM
This article will attempt to document the tactics abused by our NON-COMPLIANT readers to MISUSE the materials on this site within the tax subject only that we VEHEMENTLY disagree with and which are further PROHIBITED by our Terms of Use and Service.
The love of money and the avoidance of personal responsibility are at the root of all the evils documented on this page.
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
[1 Tim. 6:10, Bible, NKJV]
In the above sense, “pay-triots for profit” have the same evil motives as the Pharisees, who today are called attorneys:
“Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they derided Him.”
[Luke 16:14, Bible, NKJV]
What the above points out is that lawyers put the importance of money ABOVE that of justice or truth as Jesus indicated:
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.“
[Matt. 23:23, Bible, NKJV]
The way to fight evil, by the way, is NOT to emulate it as the “pay-triots for profit” do by emulating today’s Pharisee Lawyers, whose tactics are thoroughly documented in:
Who Were The Pharisees and Sadducees?, Form #05.047
In other words, YOU CANNOT FIGHT EVIL BY EMULATING it or negotiating a truce or compromise with it:

The most common methods of abusing our materials effected by “pay-triots for profit” include the following:
- Prioritizing avoiding conflict, inconvenience, and personal risk above that of truth, justice, or equality between the governed and the governors. Everything beyond that point becomes a compromise and the result of narcissistic idolatry.
- Indicating there is no harm done in pursuing “taxpayer”, “person”, or any OTHER CIVIL STATUTORY status. God forbids this in James 4:4.
- Indicating that civil statutory statuses are fictions and yet never you should not fight being FORCED to have such a status. This is done usually by simply saying things like the following:
“That’s just how the system works”.
GOD, on the other hand says:
“Hate evil, love good; Establish justice in the gate. It may be that the Lord God of hosts Will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.”
[Amos 5:15, Bible, NKJV] - Refusing to acknowledge the ability or right to invoke PRIVATE rights, constitutional rights, equity, or common law as part of the taxation process or the tax return filing process. That way, the fleecing of clients is made efficient with little downside risk (or personal responsibility) of actually FIXING the problems that create the need for the services they charge for.
- When asked to comment on the content of this site in the context of their own Telegram channel or web forums, refusing to discuss ANYTHING on the site even though they frequently read and use it, because they want to EVADE the obligations of the Terms of Use and Service. Our Terms of Use and Service MANDATE that if you read or use our materials, you MUST acknowledge us and promote us to your client and reader community. The most typical method of doing this when asked about our site is to say such things as “Too Long to Read (TLTR)” and then telling them to talk privately about it with the user instead of explaining why in their own forums.
- Refusing to precisely explain or document their work product to their clients, so that the clients don’t know how to do it for themselves. For instance, if you prepare nonresident alien tax returns for others, you mandate that the client must sign a power of attorney and may not see what is actually FILED with the IRS. That way, the truth is held hostage, clients remain in fear, and they are COMPELLED to subsidize your monopoly on the process of getting a refund.
- If litigation is undertaken, never invoking the bill of rights, natural law, equity, or the common law for clients, because this:
6.1. Creates extra work and makes the process of delivering the refund less efficient or less profitable.
6.2. Introduces personal risk resulting from confronting evil on the part of the judge or government. - They may call what they do a “ministry” and even quote scripture, but what they are really worshipping is MONEY and not God as a form of idolatry. See Matt. 6:24 and Luke 16:13.
- When confronted publicly or in their forums with any of the above hypocrisies, they will feign ignorance or compartmentalize the discussion to take it “off record” so other people can’t see. Judges do this also by saving cases involving Third Rail Issues to the END of the day after the courtroom is cleared so no one else can see how CORRUPT and hypocritical they really are.
All the above tactics are just as diabolically narcissistic as the government tyrants we are fighting. It is COMPLETELY hypocritical to take that approach.
We, on the other hand, take the following approach to avoid the tactics above:
- Every time we talk about the taxation process, we identify the dichotomy between the OFFICE and the OFFICER, and how they must be VOLUNTARILY connected by your consent in a very EXPLICIT way.
- We identify every instance where people are compelled to adopt a civil status such as “taxpayer”, “citizen”, “resident”, “person”, etc. as a criminal act of identity theft both in the tax return filings and in all pleadings.
- We do not hold any knowledge hostage. You are permitted to know EVERYTHING we know about the taxation subject.
- We show you the ENTIRE work product you should strive for, so there are no secrets.
- We value freedom and personal empowerment over and above money. Those priorities are also reflected in our mission statement. Thus, true liberty in every context INCLUDING taxation is the goal.
- We integrate every discussion of the secular tax subject with biblical passages so that God’s law is always paramount and controlling. Otherwise, we could be accused of mutiny and blasphemy against God.
- We are brutally honest about everything we know, so that no one can hide behind Third Rail Issues or evade the naked truth.