How to Reject All Privileges in a Tax Return Filing
SOURCE: 1040-NR Attachment, Form #09.077, Section 2, Form 1;
Recipient of the enclosed IRS Form 8275 is forewarned that:
1. Your legal obligations in processing this submission.
1.1. ONLY the Austin Service Center may process this return. It cannot be forwarded to another service center where only privileged “U.S. persons” (which I am NOT) file. IRM
1.2. If you have an issue with this submission you MUST notify me exactly what it is as required by the reasonable notice provisions of the Constitution. You can’t just ARBITRARILY ignore or destroy this submission because you don’t like what is says. I have LEGALLY admissible proof it was sent. Please notify me what needs to be fixed and I will do so promptly after receipt of constitutionally required REASONABLE NOTICE. As required by 26 U.S.C. §6065, sign your notice under penalty of perjury and include your full legal name, photocopy of your state (not IRS because a pseudoname) identification, services of process address, and email address or else you notice will be ignored because it will be untrustworthy.
1.3. This submission fully satisfies I.R.M. and thus is a “processable return”. It is thus a CRIME to refuse to accept or process or ignore this return, or to destroy it and thereby criminally obstruct justice. 26 U.S.C. §7203, 18 U.S.C. §1512, 18 U.S.C. §241.
2. According to the U.S. supreme court, all my property is absolutely owned, exclusively PRIVATE, and protected only by the constitution until I knowingly and voluntarily convert it to PUBLIC property and thus consent to the regulation and taxation of its use under Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution and 5 U.S.C. §301. “That property [or income] which a man has honestly acquired he retains full control of, subject to these limitations: [1] First, that he shall not use it to his neighbor’s injury, and that does not mean that he must use it for his neighbor’s benefit [e.g. SOCIAL SECURITY, Medicare, and every other public “benefit”]; [2] second, that if he devotes it to a public use, he gives to the public a right to control that use; and [3] third, that whenever the public needs require, the public may take it upon payment of due compensation.” [Budd v. People of State of New York, 143 U.S. 517 (1892)]
3. The process of donating my private property to a PUBLIC use requires me to either convert my status from private to public through a “U.S. person” election under 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30) or that of my property by “effectively connecting it” pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §864(c). I have not knowingly done either. If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide it within 10 days or waive your right to do so later.
4. In the absence of receipt of proof that I knowingly and voluntarily converted my property from private to public, my property remains private and beyond regulation and taxation. I am therefore the only one who can write rules or definitions affecting its beneficial use by anyone including you. Thus:
4.1. I as the submitter of this communication shall be the only Merchant offering property or services of any kind for sale or purchase under U.C.C. §2-104(1).
4.2. You as the government recipient of this communication are the only Buyer procuring said property pursuant to U.C.C. §2-103(1)(a).
4.3. The terms exclusively governing our relationship are as follows, which constitute a mandatory bailment agreement for all affected property in your custody:
Injury Defense Franchise and Agreement, Form #06.027 |
5. Per the U.S. Supreme Court in Munn v. Illinois, 95 U.S. 113 (1876), I, like the government, have an equal right to offer my property and services to the government under terms and conditions that only I as the absolute owner of said services and property can specify and define.
“The State in such cases exercises no greater right than an individual may exercise over the use of his own property when leased or loaned to others. The conditions upon which the privilege shall be enjoyed being stated or implied in the legislation authorizing its grant, no right is, of course, impaired by their enforcement. The recipient of the privilege, in effect, stipulates to comply with the conditions. It matters not how limited the privilege conferred, its acceptance implies an assent to the regulation of its use and the compensation for it.”
6. The absolutely owned private property that is the subject of this communication therefore consists of:
6.1. Money owed to me that was falsely classified as lawful withholding and sent to you as a bailee and temporary trustee, or
6.2. All property stolen from me during the collection process through liens, levies, and seizures.
6.3. My private labor in enforcing the terms of the grant or loan of said property specified herein and mandating its immediate return. Such labor is billable under this communication.
7. If a refund amount is indicated on the return attached to this submission, you are hereby put on notice that you are in wrongful custody of my absolutely owned private, constitutionally and not statutorily protected property STOLEN from me under DURESS that must be “returned” under principles of equity without the need to invoke the privileges of the I.R.C. franchise. The SOLE bailment agreement controlling your “beneficial use” of said property I am the absolute owner of is Form #06.027 above. Only the absolute owner, which is me, can make such rules just like you do for YOUR property under Constitution Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2. Please provide proof of absolute ownership of my PRIVATE property in your possession within 10 days if you think YOUR I.R.C. bailment agreement applies instead. An estoppel and laches apply if you don’t.
8. I hereby reject any and all offers of government property or services, also called “privileges”, available from the you the recipient, including but not limited to:
8.1. Privileged “U.S. person” (26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30)) and POLITICAL citizen* who is “of the United States**** (federal corporation) status under 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1(a) and working for the Secretary of the Treasury as required by under 5 U.S.C. §301, which says the Secretary can ONLY write regulations to command people and property in his own DEPARTMENT and NOT in other departments and certainly not among PRIVATE non-consenting people protected by the constitution. Nor can the Secretary lawfully CREATE a liability in the regulation at 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1 that does not EXPRESSLY appear in the statute it implements unless he is commanding ONLY officers in his own department who work for him VOLUNTARILY.
8.2. Any and all benefits and privileges associated with the “U.S. person” franchise civil status such as stimulus payments (26 U.S.C. §6428 to 26 U.S.C. §6428B), Affordable Care Act benefits, etc.
8.3. Alien status.
8.4. “Effectively connected” status and the deductions it produces under 26 U.S.C. §162. I don’t need deductions since all my earnings are PRIVATE and EXCLUDED anyway and are associated with no “profit” as required by the 16th Amendment.
8.5. The use of STATUTORY identifying numbers issued under the authority of any statute including 26 U.S.C. §6109 or 22 C.F.R. §404.103. 26 C.F.R. §301.6109-1(b) indicates that no number is required since I am not engaged in a “trade or business” such as myself. But I.R.M. says a return submitted without an identify number is a “confused filing” that will be REJECTED, even if the regulations say I don’t have to provide it. 42 U.S.C. §408(a)(8) also makes it a misdemeanor to compel the use of an SSN, which what you are doing by rejecting a return without an identifying number when I don’t need one. Thus, any identifying numbers I might give you are not PUBLIC/statutory SSN or TIN but PRIVATE property and a license to you under the above bailment agreement, Form #06.027. That license is necessary so that you don’t use my identity for a commercial purpose that benefits anyone but me. Any other approach would be criminal identity theft in violation of 18 U.S.C. §912 and 42 U.S.C. §408(a)(8).
8.6. All civil statutory statuses as privileges, including but not limited to “person”, “taxpayer”, “citizen”, “resident”, etc. Any connection to such statuses by you is hereby agreed by all parties concerned as criminal identity theft (18 U.S.C. §912), private business activity, a satisfaction of the Minimum Contact Doctrine by you, a waiver of official, judicial, and sovereign immunity, and consent to the above bailment agreement, Form #06.027. I consent ONLY to a CONSTITUTIONAL “person” status under the Bill of Rights and not to STATUTORY “person” status in relation to you.
If the I.R.C. Subtitle A and C really created an express CIVIL LIABILITY in my case and were actually positive law, you wouldn’t need ANY of the above DEVIOUS “fund raising” methods to in effect BRIBE me with my own money to exchange my PRIVATE constitutional rights for PUBLIC/DOMESTIC statutory privileges just like when Essau sold his birthright to the Biblical Jacob for a bowl of pottage. Gen. 25:29-34. “For thus says the Lord: ‘You have sold yourselves for nothing, And you shall be redeemed without money.’” [Isaiah 52:3, Bible, NKJV].
9. It is also a violation of the First Amendment prohibition against compelled LEGAL association and the Thirteenth Amendment prohibition against involuntary servitude to compel me into a CIVIL legal relation with YOU as a FOREIGN corporation by joining you or accepting privileges from you to then BECOME a CIVIL STATUTORY “person”, “taxpayer”, “citizen”, etc. Further, the result is an unconscionable adhesion contract since there are NO constitutional limitations upon the price you can charge for your MONOPOLY property and services and no Sherman Antitrust Act limitations upon your monopoly power in offering those services. For those wise enough to not elect a privileged status in a legislatively foreign jurisdiction, the result of compelling them to participate is literal criminal identity theft and human trafficking.
10. I am NOT a tax protester, and I insist on living responsibly and paying my way for everything that I ask for and use. I want to HELP you keep the public purse balanced by never being a public charge. If there are any privileges beyond the above which I both ASKED for AND am IN RECEIPT AND DIRECT BENEFIT of and have not ALSO rejected, please inform me now what they are so that:
10.1. They TOO can be rejected . . AND
10.2. You can timely be reimbursed for said property or services separate and apart from the I.R.C. franchise under principles of equity and to prevent unjust enrichment.
In the absence of your presentment within 10 days of a list of such things signed under penalty of perjury, a laches and waiver of claim applies and I shall reasonably conclude there is no such property, benefits or services that I both REQUESTED and RECEIVED that I have any legal obligation whatsoever to pay for beyond this point.
11. Also under principles of equity, my voluntary execution of the previous step 10 is conditioned on your EQUAL acceptance, obligation, and performance in reimbursing ME for any and all money or OTHER PRIVATE property in your TEMPORARY possession as my IMPLIED involuntary TRUSTEE:
11.1. BELONGING to me but sent to you by third parties without my consent in the form of usually involuntary or illegal withholding over the time period covered by this tax filing. Foreign person withholding under 26 U.S.C. §1441 and 26 C.F.R. §1.1441-1 does NOT apply to American nationals and only applies to ALIENS which I am not. I AM NOT a “foreign person” but I am “foreign”
11.2. That you obtained through administrative tax collection in the form of liens, levies, etc. at any time in the past, present, or future. Tax collection activity is UNLAWFUL against anything but instrumentalities of the national government which I am NOT and never have been in the context of taxation.
In the absence of an IMMEDIATE refund of all the above PRIVATE PROPERTY in your possession, you are not eligible for my voluntary compliance in being reimbursed, are proceeding with “unclean hands”, and are in a PRIVILEGED state by virtue of possessing property that does not belong to you and must be “returned” under principles of equity, with or without a statute requiring you to do that. The EXERCISE of that privilege is controlled by the above bailment agreement and franchise, Form #06.027.
12. It is my right under principles of equity to reject any and all privileges and benefits in order to preserve my liberty and autonomy.
12.1. An offer of privileges I am legally unable to refuse or a prior acceptance I can’t revoke is little more than a criminal mafia enterprise and slavery disguised as government benevolence. Alex De Tocqueville called this “soft tyranny”. Remember the Godfather movie?: “An offer you can’t refuse.”
12.2. “A person is ordinarily not required to pay for benefits which were thrust upon him with no opportunity to refuse them. The fact that he is enriched is not enough, if he cannot avoid the enrichment.” Wade, Restitution for Benefits Conferred Without Request, 19 Vand. L. Rev. at 1198 (1966). [Siskron v. Temel-Peck Enterprises, 26 N.C.App. 387, 390 (N.C. Ct. App. 1975)]
12.3. “Quilibet potest renunciare juri pro se inducto. Any one may renounce a law [including a CIVIL FRANCHISE statute] introduced for his own benefit.” [Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856]
12.4. Rules of equity definitely apply to our interactions because:
12.4.1. Lawful money is no longer in circulation and it has been replaced with fiat currency.
12.4.2. Equity only applies where lawful money is not involved.
12.4.3. Principles of equity and unjust enrichment are frequently used in the enforcement of the tax laws, and especially when presenting to juries.
12.4.4. If I can’t approach the government as a co-equal, then there is no real law and no legitimate government, because real law is BASED on equality of treatment. Excise taxable franchises such as the I.R.C. Subtitle A create and enforce inequality between the governed and the governors but they do so ONLY by consent of all parties concerned and I do not consent expressly nor do so impliedly by knowingly asking for and receiving any privilege.
13. Because I accept or consent to no privileges from you in the context of this transaction, and because I insist on returning the value of any privileges you can prove with evidence that I received in the context of this communication:
13.1. I have NO obligation to pay you anything: “It is only where some right or privilege [which are GOVERNMENT PROPERTY] is conferred by the government or municipality upon the owner, which he can use in connection with his property, or by means of which the use of his property is rendered more valuable to him, or he thereby enjoys an advantage over others, that the compensation to be received by him becomes a legitimate matter of regulation [AND by implication taxation]. Submission to the regulation of compensation in such cases is an implied condition of the grant, and the State, in exercising its power of prescribing the compensation, only determines the conditions upon which its concession shall be enjoyed. When the privilege ends, the power of regulation [and taxation] ceases.” [Munn v. Illinois, 94 U.S. 113 (1876) ]
13.2. Justice itself DEMANDS that you leave me alone and not disturb, regulate, or tax me. Justice, after all, is nothing more than the right to be LEFT ALONE, and ESPECIALLY by YOU. Would you hire a security guard with “taxes” who insists on stealing your property or converting it from PRIVATE to PUBLIC without your consent?
13.3. Any and every attempt to assert a tax obligation on your part devolves into an EXTORTION and not a “tax” in any sense of the word per Union Refrigerator Transit Company v. Kentucky, 199 U.S. 194 (1905) . According to this case, the “taxpayer” fiction cannot be employed to work an injustice and it would do exactly that if you forced me to pay for privileges I never asked for, never received, and don’t want.
14. This submission therefore does NOT constitute a request for or an acceptance by me of any part of the Internal Revenue Code commercial franchise quasi-contract as identified by the U.S. Supreme Court in Milwaukee v. White, 296 U.S. 268 (1935). Because this communication is NOT an acceptance or tacit procuration of your franchise, it therefore becomes:
14.1. A counteroffer. . . AND
14.2. A definition of what constitutes an acceptance of my offer. . .AND
14.3. A complete definition of the terms of my offer of PRIVATE consideration and property which are the ONLY terms governing our relationship per the Injury Defense Franchise, Form #06.027 indicated above.
15. If there is any doubt as to the accuracy or authority of the statements above, please review and rebut the evidence for yourself within 10 days or be estopped from further disagreement:
Property View of Income Taxation Course, Form #12.046 |