Posts by ftsig-admin
PROOF OF FACTS: You’re Not the “Employee” mentioned in 26 U.S.C. 3401(c)
FALSE STATEMENT: We as a company have to to do “wage” withholding and reporting on you because we are an “employer” and you are an “employee” per the Internal Revenue Code. REBUTTAL: As a general rule, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to prove a negative, which in this case is that I am NOT…
Read MoreMeta AI: Taxability of Military Retirement
EDITORIAL: For more information on the subject of this discovery, see: Policy Document: Retirement and Pensions, Form #08.028 QUESTION 1: If military retirement is based on years of service and therefore personal labor, and if there is no profit from personal labor under 26 U.S.C. 83, then can one earn “gross income” from military retirement?…
Read MoreForeign Government
EDITORIAL: This section is useful in determining when and how you became an instrumentality of any government, not just foreign governments. Throughout this site, we take the position that everyone who owes a civil obligation to any government is an AGENT and representative of that government and a “straw man”. “An office is a public…
Read MoreUsing W-4 as a Nonresident Alien
1. Introduction This article addresses how to use and not use the W-4 as a nonresident alien. Generally, you should avoid filling out the W-4 and only use it under duress. The correct form to use for withholding instead is the IRS Form W-8BEN or W-8SUB: 2. Why private people can’t lawfully submit a W-4…
Read MoreThe Federal Income Tax Is A Tax Upon Income (investments), Not Upon Capital (employments).
The following offsite reference deals with this subject:
Read MorePROOF OF FACTS: Capital v. Income
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Distinguishing Between Capital and Income What it the difference between capital and income, and what is the relationship between them? This should be Basic Economics 101, but this distinction has become an economic riddle that few seem inclined to solve. The distinction between capital and income is explained in the 1913 Congressional…
Read More“in the United States”
EDITORIAL: The term “in the United States” as applied to work on national government public works is defined in the following case. The case establishes that: You will note that the indicted parties in this case technically were not working on land within the exclusive jurisdiction of the state. In that sense, “extraterritorial jurisdiction” was…
Read MoreSocial Security Taxes Refundable to Nonresident aliens
Social security taxes paid for any given tax year are refundable to nonresident aliens working outside the statutory geographical “United States”. You can get a refund of Social Security taxes paid even after you file a tax return, but you can only do so for years no later than 3 years prior. For years in…
Read More“Sovereign”=”Foreign”
The following article addresses the subject of the relationship between being “foreign” and being “sovereign” “Sovereign”=”Foreign”, Family Guardian Fellowship
Read MoreBurden of Proof: Exclusion v. Exemption
ADAPTED FROM: Excluded Earnings and People, Form #14.019, Section 2; This site focuses exclusively on Exclusions rather than Exemptions. The difference between these two is explained in: Proof of Facts: Exemptions v. Exclusions, FTSIG Pursuing exclusions rather than exemptions shifts the burden of proof onto the government and takes it off of you, as…
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