Posts by ftsig-admin
Site Symbology for Political Terms “United States”, “State”
Throughout this site, we consistently employ the following symbology conventions for political terms. We emphasize that according to the U.S. Supreme Court, the POLITICAL sense is the PRINCIPAL sense of all words used in the constitution. In the Constitution the term state most frequently expresses the combined idea just noticed, of people, territory, and government.…
The purpose of this article is to clarify standards surrounding the context and use of the terms INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, DOMESTIC, and FOREIGN. As we frequently say, the THREE things controlling the meaning of words, like in real estate, are always CONTEXT, CONTEXT, and CONTEXT. Much confusion results from not understanding how these terms are used…
Read MoreHooven and Allison co. v. Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945)
This is one of the VERY few cases that explains the meaning of the term “United States”. It is thus extremely important in discerning WHICH “United States” is meant in the context of the Internal Revenue Code. This case dealt with EXTERNAL excise taxation of imports under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the…
Read MoreSummary of Unconstitutional Court Cases that Protect the Income Tax
INTRODUCTION As this site proves, the income tax is voluntary and cannot be coerced. See: How American Nationals Volunteer to Pay Income Tax, Form #08.024 What these cases demonstrate is the following phenomenon by various courts: The scariest thing about these cases is that they mostly come from no less than the U.S. Supreme Court!…
Read MoreHow Corrupt Lazy “Pay-Triots for Profit” Hijack Our Materials to Avoid Social Responsibility to Fix the Problems Documented on this Site
“Be diligent to [investigate and expose the truth for yourself and thereby] present yourself [and the public servants who are your fiduciaries and stewards under the Constitution] approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word [and the deeds] of truth. But shun profane babblings [government propaganda, tyranny, and usurpation] for they will…
Read MoreHow to Reject All Privileges in a Tax Return Filing
SOURCE: 1040-NR Attachment, Form #09.077, Section 2, Form 1; FORM 8275 ADDENDUM AND LEGAL NOTICE Recipient of the enclosed IRS Form 8275 is forewarned that: 1. Your legal obligations in processing this submission. 1.1. ONLY the Austin Service Center may process this return. It cannot be forwarded to another service center where only U.S. persons…
Read MoreGetting a Loan with Tax Returns that are Near Zero as a Nonresident Alien
Introduction A common practice of mortgage lenders during the loan qualification process is to ask you to sign an IRS Form 4506T requesting your tax returns over a period of years as a way to verify your income. The amount they will loan is usually limited by your income and computed from your income. The…
Read MoreIRS Acknowledges Constitutional Citizens as U.S. Nationals in the 1040-NR Instructions for 2023
For the first time EVER, IRS began in 2023 acknowledging Constitutional Citizens as U.S. nationals in the 1040-NR Instructions: SOURCE: 1040-NR Instructions,, downloaded 1/14/25. The Schedule OI they are referring to is at: Note that they are saying above that you don’t have to answer Items A and B if you are a…
Read MoreSummary of Different Types of American Nationals
During both administrative correspondence and litigation, it is commonplace for the government to either equivocate or compartmentalize the various types of American Nationals so that they can deceive you into not claiming a particular status. Below is a summary of the various statuses found in statutes, on government forms, and in the common law to…
Read MoreDefinitions of Corporate Federal “State” within State Revenue Codes
Definitions by corporate Federal “State” for “in the state”, “in this state”, “within the state”, “within this state” and “this state” 1. Arizona ARIZONA (Arizona Revised Statutes) located in: Title 28 – Transportation, Chapter 16, TAXES, Article 1 – Motor Fuel Taxes A.R.S. 28-5601. Definitions A.R.S. 28-5601 (12)“In this state” means any way or place…
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