Proof of Facts
FALSE STATEMENT: We as a company have to to do “wage” withholding and reporting on you because we are an “employer” and you are an “employee” per the Internal Revenue Code. REBUTTAL: As a general rule, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to prove a negative, which in this case is that I am NOT…
Read MoreTABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Distinguishing Between Capital and Income What it the difference between capital and income, and what is the relationship between them? This should be Basic Economics 101, but this distinction has become an economic riddle that few seem inclined to solve. The distinction between capital and income is explained in the 1913 Congressional…
Read MoreSOURCE: Excluded Earnings and People, Form #14.019, Section 4; It is CRUCIAL to understand the distinction between being CONSTITUTIONALLY EXCLUDED from income tax versus being STATUTORILY EXEMPT. The reason is that if you do NOT understand this difference and you are a purveyor of tax information, you may become the target of UNJUST and…
Read MoreFor an example of how to implement the above in responding to a tax collection notice, see: Using the Laws of Property to Respond to a Tax Collection Notice, Form #14.015 More like the above at: PROOF OF FACTS: What the geographical “United States” means in 26 U.S.C. 7701(a)(9) and (a)(10), FTSIG
Read MoreEDITORIAL: Throughout IRS publications, they frequently use the phrase “created or organized” as a way to describe things they have jurisdiction over. An act of enacting legislation is an act of creation. The creator of a thing is always the owner. A “civil status” is a fiction of law to which privileges and obligations attach.…
Read MoreThe U.S. Government Style Manual, 2016 Edition, on p. 32 says the following: So a LOWER CASE “state” refers to a LEGISLATIVELY FOREIGN state. This is entirely consistent with the capitalization conventions listed in: Sources of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, FTSIG You can find the above manual at: Style Manual, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Read More“The language of section 61(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, set forth above, might at first glance appear to have broadened the definition of gross income by the omission of any reference to gain. This, however, is not so, because the Supreme Court had before it the then recently enacted 1954 Code of…
Read MoreBelow is a comprehensive list of benefits available to those who claim CIVIL/DOMICILED C**D status. Thus, a “U.S. person” election within the tax code makes one eligible for all these things. QUESTION: Specifically what financial benefits are available from the national government in the case of those who are “U.S. citizens”? ANSWER: 1. Social Security Benefits…
Read MoreThe following quotation appears on our IRS Form 8275 attached to the 1040NR filing described in: Procedure to File Returns, Form #09.075** (Member Subscriptions) Below is the text, appearing in Part IV of IRS Form 8275 included with the above: For a detailed explanation of the above, see: Proof that Involuntary Income Taxes on Your…
Read MoreSOURCE: Non-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020, Section 4.2; Used with permission. This series of questions and the evidence provided answering each uses the Socratic Method to lead the reader to the INEVITABLE realization of EXACTLY what the geographical “United States” means as defined in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(9) and (a)(10). The good news is we…
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