Withholding and Reporting
How to avoid withholding and reporting on foreign persons
EDITORIAL: Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft Edge Browser, version 131. QUESTION 1: Write a legal proof proving that “nationals of the United States” are included in the “nonresident aliens” but not for withholding purposes in 26 C.F.R. 1.1441-1 because the definition of “individual” at 26 C.F.R. 1.1441-1(c)(3 ) is more restrictive. ANSWER 1: Certainly! Here’s a structured…
Read MoreSOURCE: Proof that American Nationals are Nonresident Aliens, Form #09.081, Section 6.1; https://sedm.org/Forms/09-Procs/ProofAnNRA.pdf # Name Nonresident Alien NATIONAL Non-Resident Alien OR Nonresident Alien ALIEN Resident Alien 1 International? No Yes Yes 2 IRS pub described in NO IRS publication! They don’t want you to know! IRS Pub 519 IRS Pub 519 3 Described or defined…
Read MoreEDITORIAL: This series of questions comes incorporated into the substitute W-8BEN form below that we provide. They are provided here for your reuse in other circumstances: W-8SUB, Form #04.231https://sedm.org/Forms/04-Tax/2-Withholding/W-8SUB.pdf IMPORTANT NOTE: The subject of use of the nonresident alien position by American Nationals is a subject of great disinformation and misunderstanding by the public. If…
Read MoreEDITORIAL: Throughout this website, we repeatedly state that THE two major problems we are combatting are: An example of the problems introduced by item #2 above is described in the following AI Discovery: AI DISCOVERY: Abuse of State Driver Licensing Monopoly to effect Unconstitutional Conditions that Destroy Rights, SEDMhttps://sedm.org/ai-discovery-abuse-of-state-driver-licensing-monopoly-to-effect-unconstitutional-conditions-that-destroy-rights/ The purpose of this attachment for…
Read More1. Introduction This article addresses how to use and not use the W-4 as a nonresident alien. Generally, you should avoid filling out the W-4 and only use it under duress. The correct form to use for withholding instead is the IRS Form W-8BEN or W-8SUB: 2. Why private people can’t lawfully submit a W-4…
Read MoreThe following offsite reference deals with this subject: https://capitalvsincome.com/the-federal-income-tax/
Read More1. Introduction Those who claim to be “nonresident aliens” not engaged in a “trade or business” are sometimes subjected to unlawful backup withholding by ignorant financial institutions and private employers who refuse to read and obey the law as written. This section will provide tools and procedures to fight such forms of involuntary servitude and…
Read More1. INTRODUCTION This article addresses “foreign person” reporting and withholding, which means anyone who does not CONSENT to the privileged civil status of “U.S. person”, INCLUDING American Nationals wishing to remain foreign. 2. TYPES OF FOREIGN PERSONS # Name Nationality Described but not fined in IdentifyingNumber “Foreign person”? 1 Nonresident alien American National 26 U.S.C.…
Read MoreTABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction Privileged “U.S. persons” are not subject to withholding or reporting under 26 U.S.C. §1441, but “foreign persons” can be. This is a trick to get you to “elect” the DOMESTIC “U.S. person” status under 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30) and to scare you away from being “foreign” but not a “person” status…
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