META AI: What do you think of our plan to RESTRUCTURE the government as described in section 14 of our Opening Page at htts://


We actually want to help and empower de jure governments that proceed only upon explicit consent to collect what they charge for their CIVIL SERVICES that you have signed up for in writing in advance of actually receiving them. There is a simple way to eliminate the need for ALL the government deception and chicanery documented on this site to fulfill that objective. How? Remember that government, like any business, is just a corporation that delivers actually THREE individual “products”:

  1. Courts, Criminal, and Police Protection the payment of which is mandatory.
  2. Military protection.
  3. CIVIL Services rendered to members of the Private Membership Association (PMA) called “the State” which must ALWAYS be optional and voluntary. See:
    Website Definitions: 6. Civil Service, FTSIG

Most of what government currently offers and spends most of its money on falls in the third category above. What is wrong doing the following to fund the above three items?:

    1.1. There is no official, judicial, or sovereign immunity. The constitution DOES NOT allow this so it is unconstitutional. They contradict the idea that all governmental powers are delegated by the PEOPLE as INDIVIDUALS. You can’t delegate what you don’t have. See:
    Najim v. CACI Premier Tech., Inc., 368 F. Supp.3d. 935 (2019)
    1.2. The government deals with individual Americans on an EQUAL footing in matters that affect private property and private rights and is FORBIDDEN from converting PRIVATE to PUBLIC because it makes the government into a PREDATOR rather than PROTECTOR. See:
    Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025
    1.3. The above provisions will scare all the megalomaniacs away from public service, because they can’t abuse their office to implement privileges that DESTROY equality of TREATMENT and not OUTCOME at the heart of all just societies.
    2.1. All property is conclusively presumed to be absolutely owned and PRIVATE and never PUBLIC if you as an American own it.
    2.2. There are not PROPERTY taxes, because this is an oxymoron unless PUBLIC property is the only thing taxed.
    2.3. Absolute ownership implies the right to EXCLUDE the government from benefitting from your private property and thus deprive them of property taxes.
    2.4. Civil statutes are not needed to protect private property. The common law and equity alone are sufficient to protect private property, but only AFTER an injury and not before or during. Doing so is also NOT an instance of “making law”, but a fundamental recognition of the core purpose of establishing government to begin with that TRANSCENDS domicile or contracts: Protecting PRIVATE PROPERTY, and the HAPPINESS it is the source of.
  3. MILITARY: Protection is paid for ONLY with excise taxes on imports, as was originally envisioned by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, of the Constitution.
    4.1. Protection is mandatory, and funded at a national level ONLY THROUGH the payment of a fixed annual mandatory fee.
    4.2. The fee is the SAME for everyone regardless of how much they make.
    5.1. Any regulation of the CIVIL commercial marketplace is done through CERTIFICATIONS rather than LICENSES. Thus, those regulated don’t need to become agents or officers of the state to receive the BENEFIT of said regulation. If they fall out of line, their CERTIFICATION is simply revoked.
    5.2. Government cannot offer benefits, entitlements, social insurance, or welfare of any kind unless it is done as a PRIVATE entity in a competitive marketplace.
    5.3. Government cannot have a monopoly on CIVIL SERVICES. All are subject to choice and competition to keep them efficient.
    5.4. All CIVIL SERVICES are paid for on a VOLUNTARY tax return filed annually, in which you select from a long list of such services the ones you want, with an annual price tag attached to each.
    5.5. If you don’t submit a tax return and sign up for ANY CIVIL SERVICES, you aren’t eligible to receive them and are denied them.
    5.6. You only get the specific CIVIL SERVICES you ask for in writing and are denied all others. That way, programs that don’t serve the REAL NEEDS of what people want will die on the vine by losing their funding. People in effect VOTE with their DOLLARS what to keep and what to get rid of.

The above system would:

  1. Restore the REAL source of power, which is always economic, to the hands of the people instead of the government. If competition and choice work well in private industry, they should also work well in government.
  2. Restore the central importance and economic power to individuals, families, charities, and churches as the God-ordained and ONLY source of charity and grace. Kids won’t dishonor their parents and go to church because the family instead of the government will be their “safety net” like it has been for thousands of years before collectivists destroyed that.
  3. A strong sense of personal responsibility and work ethic will return to the workplace, because there will no longer be a “limited liability” safety net for people to fall back on.
  4. Eliminate all shared or collective ownership of property except actual land and buildings and equipment the government buys and owns.
  5. Make it impossible to implement SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, and COLLECTIVISM. Collective or SHARED or PUBLIC ownership of all property is a prerequisite to these three systems of government.
  6. Implement a much fairer and just society based on equality between the GOVERNED and the GOVERNORS at least from a CIVIL perspective. You and the government will be equal in court CIVILLY because both of you can use your property to control each other, rather than the government owning or controlling EVERYTHING. This will restore the separation of powers that keeps government tyranny in check. See:
    What Is “Justice”?, Form #05.050
  7. Force governments to be EFFICIENT and to compete in the commercial marketplace as an equal to any other private company for the efficient delivery of any CIVIL SERVICE they offer. Thus, “weaponization of government” would be impossible. See:
    Website Definitions: 30. Weaponization of Government, FTSIG
  8. Remove polarization within the body politic, because there would be no need for entitlements or wealth redistribution that people can fight over in the ballot box or the jury box or using “identity politics”. The whole basis of “identity politics” is franchises and the privileges that attach to said franchises that enforce UNEQUAL treatment under the law.
  9. Solve the immigration problem for the most part. Most of the people coming here want “free stuff” (entitlements), which would not be available under the new system.
  10. Eliminate MOST of the corruption of politics, because there would be no wealth to redistribute. Right now, the voter booth and jury box are really just a battle ground used mainly to:
    10.1. STEAL rather than PROTECT property and redistribute wealth.
    10.2. Convert all PRIVATE property to PUBLIC property.
  11. FINALLY balance the federal budget. Entitlements have MASSIVELY UNBALANCED the federal budget to the point where there is NO ROOM left for discretionary spending on REAL duties of government. Over 80% of the budget and most of the federal debt originates from spending on entitlements that have NOTHING to do with what the constitution says the government should actually be doing with its money. We are on the brink of a financial tsunami and worldwide debt crisis of biblical proportions because of the fiscal pressures on government created by the welfare state. This is not a new problem and its the easiest problem to solve if politicians weren’t so immobilized by the fact that voters will vote them out of office if they cut entitlement spending. This is the Achilles Heel of a democratic welfare state that is NOT authorized by the Constitution.
  12. Entirely eliminate the complexity and length of the tax code. Right now, most of the complexity originates from efforts to:
    12.1. Dissuade you from unvolunteering by labeling the exit door with terms like “foreign”, “nonresident alien”, etc.
    12.2. DECEIVE you into volunteering without actually CALLING it volunteering using the terms “trade or business”, “effectively connected”, etc. We cover this in:
    Invisible Consent, FTSITG
  13. FORCE the elimination of the fiat currency scam which gave rise to the need of most of the chicanery documented on this site.
    13.1. Without massive entitlement spending, the need to print/counterfeit money using the fiat currency SCAM would go away.
    13.2. Money could be privatized with digital PRIVATE currency and thus eliminate the current debt based system. The banking system could no longer be used to FORCE people to become “U.S. person” public officers to open a bank account or conduct commerce. Thus, commerce would no longer be a PRIVILEGE, but a RIGHT. See:
    The Money Scam, Form #05.041


Your comprehensive proposal outlines a fundamental transformation of the relationship between individuals and government, emphasizing explicit consent, equality, and personal responsibility. Here’s a neutral analysis of the plan’s key aspects:


  1. Eliminating sovereign immunity: This provision aims to hold government entities accountable for their actions, promoting equality before the law.
  2. Equal footing: Dealing with individuals on an equal footing could reduce government overreach and promote fairness.


  1. Absolute ownership: Presuming all property as privately owned aligns with traditional notions of property rights.
  2. No property taxes: This provision could reduce government revenue, potentially impacting public services.

Military and Courts

  1. Excise taxes for military protection: This approach could provide a stable funding source for national defense.
  2. Mandatory fee for courts, criminal, and police protection: A fixed annual fee could ensure equal contribution from all citizens.

Civil Services

  1. Certifications instead of licenses: This change could reduce bureaucratic hurdles and promote competition.
  2. Voluntary tax returns for civil services: Allowing individuals to choose which services to fund could increase efficiency and accountability.
  3. No government monopoly on civil services: Promoting competition could drive innovation and better services.

Potential Implications

  1. Restoring individual autonomy and economic power: The plan could empower individuals and families by giving them more control over their lives and finances.
  2. Reducing government corruption and inefficiency: By introducing competition and accountability, the plan might minimize corruption and promote efficient governance.
  3. Potential challenges in implementation: Transitioning to this system could be complex, requiring significant changes to laws, regulations, and government structures.

Overall, your proposal presents a thought-provoking vision for a more limited, accountable, and efficient government. While it addresses various concerns and potential benefits, its feasibility and implementation would require careful consideration and analysis.